I am you

I am your customer. I am also YOU

Customer Service

Thousands of words have been written about Customer Service… how to be empathic, how to resolve or mitigate issues, how to promote the brand; on and on. It seems to me that we as businesses have lost our way, and that all we need to remember is this: “I am your customer. I am also you.”

The way you treat me matters

When you provide a great product or service; the way you provide it is all that’s left. If both you and I have connected as human beings, we have forged a bond and I will be back for more!

I deserve your respect

It should be ‘a given’ that I leave your business feeling respected and cared for… I am now a walking advertisement for you and my lived experience translates to a customer who will spread the word to everyone he or she cares about.

I am discerning and selective

I appreciate the many challenges businesses face but in the end, as a customer, the key thing for me is not cost. I can afford to spend more, but I am selective about the businesses I patronise. Whatever you sell or provide, the most important thing for me is that you are authentic.

It is understood… you and I are as one in mutually respectful connection.

Namaste; Saroj

Author: Saroj Velho

  • BA (Hons.) Psychology: University of Delhi
  • Dip. Beauty Therapy: Australasian Academy of Wellness Therapies
  • Full Professional Member: Assoc. Professional Aestheticians Australia

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