Pregnancy Massage

Mums, and mums-to-be, we honour you

Massage during pregnancy and after giving birth is a nurturing gift of presence and healing touch. Prana Sariri is a soothing and grounding form of massage, relaxing the body and relieving emotional stress. For expectant mothers, especially in the second and third trimester, it’s important to pay attention to positioning and cushioning that beautiful, blossoming body so that massage is safe and supportive in every way. You’re in the best hands with our experienced therapist during this exciting, sacred time.

Prenatal massage

60 min $165 | 90 min $235

Whether you’re a first-time mum or have birthed many children, pregnancy can be a time of great upheaval. Your body is changing dramatically and your emotions can be all over the place, but that doesn’t mean life slows down accordingly! Our protective, restorative prenatal massage is a chance for you to stop, rest and be nurtured.

This specialised massage supports the lymphatic and endocrine systems and relieves the symptoms of discomfort often experienced during pregnancy. By easing swelling in the limbs and releasing tension around the joints and muscles, Prana Sariri will help you to relax, trust your body and stand in your inner strength as you approach your birthing time.

Postnatal massage

75 min $185

The post-partum journey of adjusting physically and emotionally to birthing your baby can be a beautiful and challenging time. Postnatal massage for mums is deeply supportive for you, at a time when you are fully dedicated to caring for the needs of your newborn.

This recuperative and grounding massage gives you much needed relaxation and down time, while assisting the circulatory and lymphatic systems to eliminate toxins in a safe way that doesn’t affect breastfeeding. Postnatal Prana Sariri will help you relax and find emotional equilibrium while your body recuperates.

“Trusting me, you drifted off to sleep in my care… for me there is no greater compliment.”