What is Ayurveda?

What is Ayurveda?

We’re glad you asked! Ayurveda is an ancient Sanskrit word that means ‘life-knowledge’. For us and other practitioners of Ayurveda, it signifies our philosophical approach and our practice – the promise that all of our treatments are in accord with the principles of health in body, mind and soul. Indeed, we know that beauty is…

beautiful hair

Beautiful Hair

Beautiful Hair: a life giving experience Hair, according to Ayurveda, is considered a vital tissue closely linked to both bone marrow and the central nervous system. The application of Ayurvedic herbs and oil treatments not only produces healthy hair but according to this ancient system of medicine, act to harness the subtle energies of the…

Pedicure For Him

Pedicures for Him

Birthdays anyone? Surprises for no reason? Whatever gives a little ‘fizz’ to the relationship is alright with us! And ladies we’re going to give him back we promise – but not before we subject him to one of life’s pleasures… The Prana pedicure. Not only will his feet and toenails look amazingly clean, beautiful and…

Prana Logo Story

The Prana Logo Story

Before we could write, we told stories to each other. These stories often expressed what we experienced, how we felt about it and what we learnt. The most important of these became our histories passed on from generation to generation. Some of those stories were told through images and symbols and it was through those…

cardboard cut outs

Cardboard Cut-outs

Here is a selection of my favourite people… some of them regular clients, some living far away for most of the time and whom I rarely get to see. Notice anything? How different they all are in appearance, of course! This photo reminds me yet again how sad it is to see women (and some…