Anti-ageing and de-ageing facials explained
What’s the difference between Anti-ageing and De-ageing facials?
That’s a good question so let me address each one in turn…
Anti-Ageing Facials
OK. The word “anti-ageing” really refers to your skin condition. You see, environmental factors, your lifestyle and eating habits can affect the condition of your skin.
Anti-ageing treatments are generally for girls and guys in their 30s to 40s to help avoid ageing process setting in any earlier. So importantly we use sun damage products. For example, we use enzyme peels which are a form of exfoliation; and after that, we use some serums to help avoid the ageing process setting in any earlier than it should (these contain vitamin C which is very beneficial in treatment for sun damage).
We also use hydrating serums, including a new and well-researched technology product called Epidermal Growth Factor, which is proven to help maintain shape and volume in the face.
So to summarise, anti-ageing facials are for younger girls who want to look after their skin so that they always look youthful, beautiful. Their skin looks nice, firm and toned. The skin lasts longer.
This facial especially applies to people who haven’t looked after their face and skin in their early years – obviously not due to negligence – rather a lack of knowledge, information and lack of products available at the time.
De-Ageing Facials
De-ageing facials are really for women in their 50s and 60s who have suddenly realised, “Oh gosh, I’m getting older now. I can see lines and wrinkles appearing with a lot of sun damage.” So these facials enable them to go back and reverse the time and the condition of the skin.
With these facials, we particularly assist in repairing and restoring the contours of the face, minimising the lines and wrinkles – and for girls in their late 40s, 50s, it’s never too late! However, as they’re getting to their 60s and 70s, the skin’s ageing is setting quite a bit; and the de-ageing effects are not guaranteed.
So that’s why we’re practical about our knowledge and the information that we give to people so as not to raise their expectations and hopes. We can certainly help, but we are not the same as doctors who perform treatments to reverse the effects of ageing.
And which is most popular at Prana… anti-ageing or de-ageing facials?
They are both very popular! You see, our clientele consists of both younger and older women (men also). It is not an inexpensive treatment, but it is a worthwhile option for those who want to appreciate and enjoy their skin, their beauty and youthfulness for many years to come.
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View our complete menu of natural facial treatments.
Author: Saroj Velho