Love, life, work… Prana revealed!
Saroj, I’ve known you and Agnelo since you first opened Prana’s doors back in 2010… I wonder, can I pose a personal question? You are both partners in life as well as business partners 7 days a week. Wow! Don’t you crave solitude? If it was me, I’d be thinking “Run away!” How do you both do it?
Chris. May 2018
Chris, I laughed when I read your email, bless you :-).
Love, life, work…
The truth is, we don’t spend that much time getting under each other’s feet during the day… I am with clients and Agnelo is busy making sure everything runs smoothly. Neither of us could do this alone and the reality is that each of us is ‘doing our own thing’ for most of the day (even our lunch breaks rarely coincide). Does this make sense?
When we go home (mostly around 7pm), we prepare dinner and relax (though I can’t honestly say we suspend all talk of the business). Agnelo is always working to improve Prana’s services; whilst I am looking forward to being with our boys (if they’re home!) and my dear mum-in-law next door.
When we can, we’ll eat out with friends or take in one of Perth’s festival events. But you are right Chris. Solitude has its place and in measured amounts can be restorative. My ‘escape’ is found in very simple ways: one of them the luxury of taking a long relaxing bath and afterwards, enjoying an Indian movie before bedtime.
As I wish Agnelo goodnight I am grateful for what I have. There is much to come home to, and much in tomorrow to look forward to :-).
Author: Saroj Velho