The power of hugs!
For a dear friend of mine, the power of touch first came not in a salon, nor in the way most of us expect: from close family or romantic relationships. For her, it came in a gentle touch of the shoulder from a colleague at work (her female boss in fact).
It was a simple gesture without ‘agenda – an act of kindness and understanding which stays with her to this day. How amazing is that! How wonderful that one simple and innocent act stays in memory!
Her story reminds me so much of the Ayurvedic principles I hold dear and practice daily at Prana… an age-old belief system which celebrates our humanness and heals the soul. Indeed, I think we are diminished if we forget the therapeutic power of touch.
They are a vital component of our salon treatments of course – but they are also spontaneous acts of friendship and empathy. Light touches, or great big hugs? I love them both! They powerfully express “We are ‘one’. I am with you.”
Author: Saroj Velho