What’s in a Certificate?
Prana proudly sets high professional and personal standards for itself – but in a largely unregulated Australian beauty industry, how do potential clients know which salon has fully trained staff with certification, diploma or degree qualifications?
The answer is of course that professionally trained people will always display their academic achievements where they can be clearly seen as you enter the premises, as well as online. In short, you shouldn’t need to ask.
Credentials give clients peace of mind
Studying with a nationally recognised Registered Training Organisation (RTO) is a significant investment in cost and time – as I write, somewhere in the region of $10,000 to $15,000 for a formal diploma in beauty therapy (my own, from the Australasian Academy of Wellness Therapies, is clearly visible online and in our reception area). Certification matters enormously not only to formally acknowledge a therapist’s credentials but importantly to underscore the protections clients have in law.
But one other attribute matters even more
Commitment… not over-used clichés but real passion that cannot be fudged. Without the investment of emotion we are just another qualified beautician who is proficient but lacks ‘that something’ which clients sense as they leave the salon… that we were just ‘going through the motions’ rather than being truly invested in their wellbeing.
I am sorry about that because for me, passion matters.
Author: Saroj Velho