This Time is Yours (and Mine)
My time spent with you is very special… which is why at Prana we rarely need to ask clients to turn their phones off during treatments (let alone display ghastly notices around the salon!). No, for the most part I am fortunate that clients who seek the tranquility we offer take as a given that the interruptions of the outside world have no place here. That for a brief time, even an hour or more, we are ‘as one’…
My dear clients, this is the time you should quite rightly expect to be a time when all my attention, my training and experience and my devotion is a given. It is what brought you to me by happenstance in the first place (usually through a good friend) and keeps you returning.
This is an opportunity to ‘disengage’ with the things that ail you… with all the things that, whilst they may seem to demand your immediate attention are, in reality, mostly just another distraction.
It is a rare time! Take advantage of it… love, Saroj
Author: Saroj Velho