Are you disenchanted with me?
A message from a disenchanted admirer…
Saroj, I am shocked to see you cooking what looks like meat sausages in this video! As a confirmed ‘veggie’ and follower of Prana’s blog, I look to you for ways to present healthy and delicious vegetarian food. What happened? Has the West corrupted you? Disappointed!”
Michael Deasy
Michael, rest assured that I haven’t ‘gone over to the dark side!’ Like many Vegetarians, I make sure to eat fish at least once a week for its low fat, omega-rich properties but I also understand that none of us lives in isolation.
To illustrate the point… my husband and I are a splendid amalgamation of where we were born (South Africa and India respectively) plus all the places we’ve travelled to, lived and worked in. Likewise, our children are products of the blending of cultures.
Thus (whilst I remain a vegetarian) I respect their choices and create dishes they ‘want to come home to’.
If you love Indian food
Author: Saroj Velho