Energy works both ways
For no reason at all I woke earlier than usual one day last week. I lay there dreamily as the early morning light crept over the warmth of our bed, thinking of our children, our family and the many clients who have become friends to Agnelo and I.
As we sat in the kitchen together, Agnelo asked “What is it that keeps our clients returning Saroj? I woke this morning with the thought that we… well you really darling, are connecting with them in some way…” How strange that we should both wake with the same thoughts!
Does energy go both ways?
And yet, perhaps not so strange; because we human beings connect in ways we don’t always understand. You and I are together in the salon and who can say whether it is for you simply ‘time-out’ with someone you trust: a leisurely interlude in the day to be pampered; a stop along the way to an enjoyable lunch engagement with friends – or something deeply felt (and less easy to explain); an energy that passes between us?
Whilst I am hard pressed to define it, I witness this energy passing from one to another every day. Is it observation and intuition born of long experience? Is it really an invisible exchange of ‘energy’ with the ability to change our mood? Is it, as Vedic teachings posit, linked to the ‘chakras’ (or psychic energy sites) in the body which, when blocked, show themselves as physical pain/strain or stiffness? And are these chakras linked to what we in the West call ‘bottling things up’ (emotional strain, leading to physical unwellness)?
Connecting with our humanness
It is all of that and more, but for me it translates to the importance I place on ‘touch’, attentiveness (quiet, non-judgemental observation) and purity of mind. I DO BELIEVE in the power of these things to alleviate the pain of our human experiences, large or small. Especially, I do believe that when we have no one to share our dilemmas with we cannot function freely. We hide our sadness and speak to no one about it, but it shows in our facial expressions, our body language, and our attitudes.
Touch, when it is used with good intention, transfers energy from one to another. I know it because I frequently receive thank you notes or comments from clients who arrived feeling low or troubled and left feeling ‘healed’ (no other word describes the peacefulness they feel). Indeed, their comments give me the energy to continue and I am lifted and thankful for their trust in me.
I was talking to a dear friend of mine about this the other day, and this was her response. It speaks volumes about the human condition:
“I was so ‘buttoned up’ that a light touch on my shoulder from a superior at work remains with me to this day. I hadn’t even realised it until then. There was no agenda with it at all… she just saw something in me that I’d been ignoring.”
That is the power of connection.
Author: Saroj Velho