Should I Specialise? I Already Do!
I have a great respect for specialists in my field who focus on one or two treatments and market them exclusively. They are saying “This is what we do. This is where our expertise lies” and I have no quarrel with sticking to what you know and doing it well…
Though it may sound odd, this is EXACTLY what I am doing. And if I pick one or two favourite signature treatments they may define my expertise but they certainly don’t describe MY OVERIDING PURPOSE. Yes, I obtained my BA Psych at Delhi University and, here in Australia, my DIP. Beauty Therapy with AAWT. I continue to study, but none of that explains something really important – why I chose this profession.
Being in Service
Agnelo and I must be a marketer’s worst nightmare!
On the one hand we are urged to play to our difference and our unique approach. On the other, we believe that ultimately there is no divide – we are all more alike than we imagine and we are all made more content and more beautiful in just the same way.
My principle concern, my ‘speciality’ if you will, is YOU and ‘your story’. I am simply in service.
Author: Saroj Velho