lady cleansing her skin with naturaceuticals and bath

Your Skin is One Big Sponge! – Part 2

Naturaceuticals for a healthy & more beautiful YOU.

I doubt very much that Prana clients need to be told that nutrition, exercise and eating affects wellbeing and of course, our physical appearance.

They know already that there is now a real alternative for beauty treatments available at Prana in Applecross. They are putting their trust in the naturaceuticals (topical pharmaceutical grade ingredients derived from pure, naturally sourced ingredients) we proudly endorse and use from Clinical Skincare.

These wonderful treatments are so pure that we can confidently apply them, even to an open wound!

Your body needs essential vitamins to thrive and though there are many vitamin-rich topical treatments available, the most important way vitamins work is from the inside out; underpinning beautiful, clear skin and healthy, disease-free skin cells.

It should be said that, as with all vitamins (or vitamin supplements), overuse is not a good idea, especially if you have medical issues, are pregnant or attempting to conceive. The risks are also higher for older people. So the rule of thumb is, check with your GP before using topical skin applications.

skin glow maintenance kit by clinical skincare

That said, here’s how Naturaceuticals keep your hair, skin, and nails healthy and beautiful!

Vitamin A

In skincare, we use Retinoids, a chemical compound related to Vitamin A which helps reduce acne and keeps the skin clear. Retinoids are used in medicine, primarily due to the way they regulate epithelial cell growth. Professional beauticians use them to combat sun damage, ageing skin, acne and blackheads.

Antioxidants — berries win hands down

Antioxidants are ‘free radicals’ which fight pollutants such as wind, sun and air which cause damage to skin cells. Interestingly, caffeine contains antioxidants, as do vegetable, nuts, bread, cereals and spices, though berries are hands down the winner because just one cup of berries provides all the disease-fighting antioxidants you need in a single day. The redder and darker the fruit, the more antioxidants it contains!

Vitamin B — try green tea

Vitamin B plays an important role in skincare, especially in combating acne and the best source for vitamin B is green tea. Here again, remember that overuse of any vitamin can cause skin breakouts.

Evening Primrose Oil

Evening Primrose Oil contains the pain relieving compound phenylalanine and is increasingly being used to treat chronic headaches. It is currently being studied all over the world as a treatment for aging problems, alcoholism, acne, heart disease, hyperactivity in children, symptoms of menopause, multiple sclerosis, weight control, obesity, PMS and schizophrenia.

Evening Primrose Oil has become a gold standard for maintaining youth and preventing disease, and for good reason: it soothes skin inflammation and irritation, which makes it an ideal treatment for eczema, psoriasis and acne. And remember, even if your skin doesn’t feel itchy or sore, the visible signs of skin irritation are redness or patchiness.

Glucosamine: a simple ingredient for health and skincare benefits

In the world of science, it’s no longer just a question of inventing new and wondrous ingredients. Rather, scientists are finding new applications and more potent forms of tried and tested remedies. Used clinically in Europe since the 1960s, glucosamine is used as a treatment for joint and arthritis pain. And recent research indicates that glucosamine may have a variety of other applications, including several dermatologic/cosmetic applications.

Glucosamine is derived from marine life, shells etc. plays its part in forming hyaluronic acid, which increases the skin’s fullness and decreases lines and wrinkles… a wonderful ingredient for fighting acne, diminishing fine lines and wrinkles, and blocking free radicals.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C stimulates tissue growth and boosts the skin’s immunity. It is essential for the production of collagen which as we all know, combats wrinkles, smooths lines and wrinkles. We all need collagen! Vitamin C also helps hair bind and reduces splitting. For your nails, it stimulates growth and a healthy colour.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps prevent blemishes, keeps hair elastic and prevents ‘thinning’. Vitamin D also strengthens nails and helps the body metabolize calcium properly.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E speeds up healing of damaged skin and fights free radicals. It also stimulates scalp circulation, so it wonderful for your hair. And don’t forget your nails! Vitamin E will maintain natural strength and moisture. To supplement your salon visits, find it in nuts, leafy greens, dried beans, and vegetable oils.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K helps lighten under-eye circles and repairs bruises. It can also help the body build proteins; one of them being hair. Find it in cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, soybeans, and cereals.


Selenium is an anti inflammatory and anti-ageing ingredient which combats cancer and minimizes sun ray damage. Selenium is primarily found in nuts, cereals, meat, mushrooms, fish, and eggs. Brazil nuts are the richest ordinary dietary source so go ahead, enjoy:-)

Beauty and health = Prana Naturaceuticals!

Thanks to the vitamins and minerals in Naturaceuticals, our bodies function well, our skin structure is strong and most importantly, enjoy the visible benefits a healthy, more beautiful and more youthful YOU.

See our range of naturaceutical facials at Prana.

Author: Saroj Velho

  • BA (Hons.) Psychology: University of Delhi
  • Dip. Beauty Therapy: Australasian Academy of Wellness Therapies
  • Full Professional Member: Assoc. Professional Aestheticians Australia

Read more about Saroj

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