One Last Cigarette…

One Last Cigarette…

Time to tell it as it is… the real-life things you and I deal with, the things we all struggle with and the issues we often overcome despite ourselves! These short stories are for YOU, and me. First cab off the rank: Alan (not his real name – he has enough to conquer without our…

Prana (an uncompromised life)

Prana (an uncompromised life)

In Australia, Europe and other parts of the world, the beauty industry has caught up with an immutable truth: their clients now regard skincare products with increasing scepticism. For Prana, the realisation was a long time coming and the answer is instructive. Aside from our deeply personal respect for everyone who shares this planet with…

The power of hugs!

The power of hugs!

For a dear friend of mine, the power of touch first came not in a salon, nor in the way most of us expect: from close family or romantic relationships. For her, it came in a gentle touch of the shoulder from a colleague at work (her female boss in fact). It was a simple…

I see You

I see You

To my clients Today I want to speak to two groups specifically… the first group, naturally, is clients. For all of you, men as well as women, there is always a first visit or perhaps a beauty treatment you haven’t had before. Either way, you’ve put your trust in me and may feel a little…